Baking PC Components in the Oven?

If you’ve looked around for ways to fix broken PC components, you might have come across articles and videos explaining the “baking” technique. That technique is putting the ruined component in an oven and literally baking it until it’s “done”. Before asking how it works, the natural question to answer is IF it works. Well, … Continue reading Baking PC Components in the Oven?

PC Troubleshooting – Part 3: Hard Drive Issues

Now that we’ve been over some mostly fixable issues(overheating, malware) that could be causing problems with your computer, I’m going to talk about the one problem that you can’t really get out of without replacing the component. That problem is hard drive failure. That’s when your hard drive either starts to slowly deteriorate and malfunction … Continue reading PC Troubleshooting – Part 3: Hard Drive Issues

PC Troubleshooting – Part 2: Unwanted/Harmful Software

Other than overheating, a main cause of problems when it comes to PCs, is the presence of unwanted/harmful software, otherwise known as malware. There is a variety of software that can be causing the problems. The classic ones that most people are aware of, are viruses and trojan horses(trojans). Those are both potentially catastrophic kinds … Continue reading PC Troubleshooting – Part 2: Unwanted/Harmful Software

PC Troubleshooting – Part 1: Overheating

The most common thing you hear people complain about their computers (especially laptops), is “My computer is so slow and unresponsive”. This problem might seem daunting to many people, sometimes even forcing them to upgrade, but it really isn’t that complicated. There are 3 main issues that might be slowing down your computer. Overheating, unecessary/harmful … Continue reading PC Troubleshooting – Part 1: Overheating